Lower Body Lift
With aging and weight fluctuations the thighs and buttock skin sag. A lower body lift is an effective procedure to simultaneous rejuvenate the buttocks, thighs, and waist. The ideal candidate for a lower body lift undergoes significant weight loss and needs help removing excess tissue as well as resuspending existing tissue to improve body contour.
What Conditions Can a Lower Body Lift Treat?
- Deflated Buttocks
- Buttocks Ptosis (Saggy)
- Excess Skin thighs
- Excess skin lower back
What Can You Expect Before Lower Body Lift Surgery?
Recovery is patient specific. Most patients take Tylenol and Advil alone after surgery and are pain free after a couple days. A muscle relaxant and a stronger pain killer will be prescribed in case you need it. You can shower over your incisions 2 days after surgery and resume your normal activities shortly thereafter. You will be wearing a compressive garment over your abdomen for 1 month. Exercise can start 4 weeks after surgery once Dr. Stein confirms that your scars are healing well.

What Is the Recovery Like for Lower Body Lift Surgery?
Most patients are cared for by a private duty nurse for the night after surgery. Two drains will be placed and will be removed by Dr. Stein over the next 1-2 weeks. Pain is well controlled the first week after surgery with pain medication. Most patients are off all pain medications by the 1week mark.
What Is the Cost of Lower Body Lift Surgery?
Lower Body Lift in NYC at Stein Plastic Surgery ranges from $20,000 to $30,000.