Why Rhinoplasty?
There are a variety of reasons why both men and women may be unhappy with the appearance of their nose. A rhinoplasty procedure (also referred to as a nose job) is a procedure that uses specialized techniques to reshape the nose into a more aesthetically pleasing shape. The objective of rhinoplasty surgery is a natural, subtle result that complements the rest of the facial structures.
What Conditions Can Rhinoplasty Treat?
- Dorsal Hump
- Wide Nose
- Nasal Deviation
- Bulbous Nasal Tip
- Drooping Nasal Tip
- Breathing Problems (Nasal Airway Obstruction)
What Can You Expect Before a Rhinoplasty?
During your consultation Dr. Stein will meet with you at length and take detailed measurements and pictures. He will listen to your overall concerns and then explain which techniques can address these concerns and deliver a natural and beautiful result for you.

What Is the Recovery Like for Rhinoplasty Surgery?
The recovery after rhinoplasty depends on the techniques used. If osteotomies were performed there is usually more swelling and a longer recovery period. You will be sent home with a splint on your nose. Bruising and swelling of the nose and under eyes is common. Return to work and social activities is usually at 1-2 weeks and exercise 3-4 weeks. The final aesthetic can take up to a year to achieve.
What Is the Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Rhinoplasty in NYC at Stein Plastic Surgery ranges from $12,000 to 25,000