Why Breast Lift (Mastopexy)?
Many factors can cause breasts to sag. Aging, breast feeding, menopause and weight loss can cause the skin and breast ligaments stretch, while the glandular breast tissue to shrink. As this happens the breast widens, flattens, and the nipples point downward. Many women pursue breast lift (also known as Mastopexy) surgery to lift the areola into an optimal position while tightening breast skin so the breast has a narrower and more projected appearance. By lifting the breasts off the abdominal skin it also makes your abdomen appear longer. Patients are incredibly happy after this procedure as their breasts look and feel better.
What Conditions Can Breast Lift Treat?
- Breast Ptosis (Natural droop to breasts or age related droop)
- Breast Deflation (Post Breast Feeding Breast Changes)
- Breast Asymmetry (One breast more droopy)
- Nipple/Areola Asymmetry (Differences in the position and shape of the areola)
What Can You Expect Before Breast Lift Surgery?
Dr. Stein will take meticulous measurements during your consultation and draw markings on your chest the morning of surgery to place the nipple in an optimal position. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you like to help you feel comfortable and confident about the process. After surgery, you will meet with Dr. Stein regularly so he can make sure your breasts are healing appropriately and that you are recovering well. Dr. Stein is well-known for his excellence in patient care and will be by your side every step of the way.

What Is the Recovery Like for Breast Lift Surgery?
Recovery is patient specific. Most patients take Tylenol and Advil alone after surgery and are pain free after a couple days. You can shower over your incisions 2 days after surgery and resume your normal activities shortly thereafter. Exercise can start 3-4 weeks after surgery once Dr. Stein confirms that your scars are healing well. The breast shape improves with time and the incisions will take time to flatten and fade.
What Is the Cost of Breast Lift Surgery?
Breast Lift in NYC at Stein Plastic Surgery ranges from $12,000 to $22,000.
Breast Lift with Implant in NYC at Stein Plastic Surgery ranges from $20,000 to $25,000.

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