Why Tuberous Breast Correction?
Tuberous breast deformity is a congenital abnormality with unknown cause. It usually becomes evident during puberty and breast development. There are 6 physical manifestations of the tuberous breast deformity:
- High Inframammary fold
- Constricted breast base
- Tight/Deficient skin envelope
- Hypoplastic Breast
- Areola Herniation
- Large Areola
- Breast Ptosis
What Conditions Can Tuberous Breast Correction Treat?
- Tuberous Breast
- Tubular Breasts
- Breast Asymmetry
What Can You Expect Before Tuberous Breast Correction?
Dr. Stein will examine you, take meticulous measurements and take standardized photographs. He will then describe the severity of your tuberous breast and the techniques he will use to fix it. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you like to help you feel comfortable and confident about the process.

What Is the Recovery Like for Tuberous Breast Correction?
Recovery is patient specific. Most patients take Tylenol and Advil alone after surgery and are pain free after a couple days. You can shower over your incisions 2 days after surgery and resume your normal activities shortly thereafter. Exercise can start 3-4 weeks after surgery once Dr. Stein confirms that your scars are healing well. The breast shape improves with time and the incisions will take time to flatten and fade.
What Is the Cost of Tuberous Breast Correction?
Tuberous Breast Correction in NYC at Stein Plastic Surgery ranges from $15,000 to $25,000.